Welcome to Humor section of my
site. Here you'll find all sorts of stuff that is funny, cute,
or just plain "out there." Also, this stuff can be
Dragonball related in general, not just Gohan related. Soon,
I will accept contributions from fellow fans, but for now, please,
no submissions. There's several versions of this, but here's one just for Gohan fans...It's Gohan's Drinking Game I know this has been done by several sites, but I thought I'd try to do my own one. I haven't read any of those from other sites, but if any of my ideas sound familiar, it's coincidental. "YOU KNOW YOU'VE HAD TOO MUCH GOHAN WHEN..." What is Videl's secret to acquiring
such a smart, strong, handsome guy like Gohan? Here's some of
her suggestions. Of course Videl stresses that none of these
will work for us since she has already nabbed this musclebound
scholar and isn't gonna give him up anytime soon. Christmas 2001 Tribute: 12 Days of Christmas-Saiyan-style Father's Day Tribute...Bardock and Goku Another Father's Day one...Bardock and chibi Goku Disneyland...Bardock bloodline style! Unusual Vegeta..."there's a little Gohan in all of us." chibi Vegeta and his wonderful tail Somebody say "awwww!"...chibi Vegeta Paint Piccolo!...manga excerpt of chibi Gohan being "artistic" Adventures in babysitting?...Kaio-shin with chibi Goten & Trunks Vegeta's new hobby...I pity those pins! Goku & Vegeta locked in combat again...bet the video game designers never expected super saiyans to play! |