Name: Son Gohan (aka: The
Golden-haired Warrior, The Great Saiyaman I)
translated: "Gohan" is
Japanese for " cooked rice" or "meal" such
as lunch
family:(note: family name (last
name) is first where applicable)
father: Son Goku
mother: ChiChi
brother (younger): Son Goten
step-great-grandfather: Son Gohan Sr. (deceased,
Goku's guardian as a child)
grandfathers: Ox King (mom's side),
Bardock (deceased, Saiya-jin, dad's side)
grandmothers: unknown
uncle: Radditz (deceased, Saiya-jin,
dad's side, Gokuh's older brother)
wife: Satan Videl
child (daughter): Son Pan
father in-law: Mr. Satan
home (as child): 439 East Satan City
(actually is in village near Mt. Paozu)
home (as
adult): right
next door to his parents' house
school/tutors until age 17/18 then enters Orange Star High School
in Satan City
early in
childhood-- Piccolo (and occasionally used Krillin as a sparring
Android, Cell, and possibly after Buu--Son Goku and Piccolo
during mid-late Buu series-- Kaio Shin and elderly Kaio Shin
(released from Z-Sword)
Series age ranges:(estimated & following
the actual series, not the Americanized version)
Beginning DBZ--age 4
Saiya-jin conflict--age 5
Namek/Freezer--age 5/6
Android--age 7-9
Cell/Cell Game--age 9-11 (note: Gohan is the 1st saiya-jin to
reach SSj 2 here)
Buu saga--age 18 (many say he's 16 as even I previously thought,
but if you count 7 years from the end of the Cell saga when he's
11, it makes him 18 when he enters high school.)
End of DBZ--age 28
DB:GT--age 38
alternate timeline:
Mirai Gohan
is roughly age 7/8 when Son Goku dies of heart disease. He's
in his early 20's when he trains Mirai Trunks. He dies in his
mid/late 20's in this timeline.
Note: This Gohan looks slightly different from the Gohan in the
main timeline. He's buffer and very built due to the fact that
he had to constantly fight throughout his growing years. There
was no peace with the androids around. He's a fighter and never
attains his mom's wishes to become a scholar.
I am working
on a large fanfiction project I term as Gohan's autobiography.
More into his life,etc. will be revealed in that since I will
use many actual occurrences from the series in it. I'll put a
link here to it as well as in my fanfiction section once I start
it. Click on book below to enter it.