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- The Man Behind the
- An Interview with Capsule
Corporation's Third Gen President
- Setting: I managed to sqeeze
into the young President's busy work schedule on a Friday afternoon.
We conduct this interview in his lofty executive office.
- Firstly, I thank you for
taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk with me.
- (he's blushing). It's no problem.
You called well enough in advance so an appointment could be
arranged. My secretary keeps me well informed.
- Well, I'll not take up too
much of your precious time so I'll get straight to the questions.
How you acquired this position is a given, but how did you take
Capsule Corporation to such an expansive position as it is now?
- Actually, my mother started
its expansion. Her desire to invent spurred me into this position
as soon as I graduated from college. I guess it was her 'graduation
gift' to me. The ground breaking for this new building had occurred
by my third year in college. Capsule Corporation's products were
and still are in high demand and the little building that housed
it and our family's residence was becoming too small to maintain
increasing demands. Oh, and this new buiding's design is not
one by me.
- You were quick to mention
the buildings uh, 'shape.' Why does it have such a peculiar,
but known shape?
- Yes, a penis and balls. (he
blushes again and this time with a shy smile) I don't know. I
didn't then and don't now, want to ask my mother why. But, this
is a question all you lady reporters ask so I figured I'd get
it done and over with at the very beginning.
- Okay, I'll change the subject
then. You are the third President of this company, succeeding
your grandfather then mother. Where are you taking this family-run
- I honestly don't know. It's
doing everything we want it to and then some. Just maintaining
its production, distribution, and creating new and exciting products
is good enough. Before you say it, why not growth? If a company
gets too big, it can often do itself in. This company is where
it needs to be to maintain the above mentioned items.
- Very well said. So, what
is it like to be one of the youngest corporate president's currently
residing over a large, multinational business?
- At first it was rough. I had
to gain the respect of all our clients, partners, and so forth.
But then again, my mother had to do the same. If anything, she
had it worse than I, seeing how she's female. There weren't too
many female top execs and still aren't. Anyway, my youth cause
many other company presidents to be on their guard. I'm unpredictable
to them. To be honest, I'm unpredictable to even myself. I have
the skills necessary to run a business like this, but I lack
experience. The older presidents are like dogs salivating over
just one bone. I'm that bone. But I'm gaining in popularity among
them and society for that matter. As long as I prove my worth
I guess.
- You've been in and around
this company since you were born. How can you not have skills
and experience with running a company. How about a big, personal
question...why aren't you married yet?
- (chuckles lightly). I knew
that question was dying to be asked! You're a woman, what do
you think?
- You know what we think Mr.
Briefs. You haven't been seen with a date nor do you seem to
pursue such.
- So, the question actually is,
are you gay?
- (my turn to blush). Well,
I guess you could put it that way.
- I'm not gay. I'm just not overly
interested in relationships at this time in my life. My father
and mother were both older when they got together. It may be
genetic. Besides, every person I meet is what could be termed
a gold-digger. They see my money, my power, my looks, something
other than who I really am.
- And who IS Mr. Trunks Vegeta
- (long pause). I wish I knew.
Perhaps that is the problem. If I don't know myself, than how
can others?
- The rumor-mill often suggests
a Ms. Pan Son or Ms. Marron as possible mates for you?
- Heheh, yeah, so I've heard.
Honestly, they are friends. It would be difficult to cross the
line. It would jeopardize my friendships with them.
- You never once thought them
possiblities? I mean, Mr. Satan's granddaughter already has power
and money so I doubt she'd seek such from you?
- Pan is a very close friend.
Add to that our ages. She's an entire generation below me. Her
mother used to babysit me. Her father is like a big brother to
me. And I used to babysit Pan. So, how awkward is that?
- I suppose so. I had to ask
it though. Onto lighter questions. You knew you'd be coaxed into
the family business since you were a boy. Was there ever anything
else you wanted to be if you didn't have to run the family business?
- A secret agent, something like
James Bond. Bust the bad guys, play with neato inventions, get
the girls...
- How fascinating! And how
about another general question. What would it be like to live
with you?
- (the adorable blush appears
yet again). I'm a gentleman. My mother raised me that way. I
was a brat as a boy, but it manifested into proper manners somehow.
Yes, I'm a momma's boy, I admit that. I may be a bit old-fashioned
as well. A modern day woman may find it almost offensive or sexist.
I would not require her to work. I have no problems cooking or
cleaning, even after a long day at work. I'd open doors for her
and other things of a chivalrous nature. I can't help it.
- A romantic! How attractive!
Okay, now the 'what ifs.' What would a date be like with you?
- Similar to what I said about
living with me. I'm a gentleman. Perhaps a movie, dinner, the
basics. I don't sleep with a lady on the first date. In fact,
I rarely sleep with them at all. I know that's contrary to what
everyone on the street says about me. But I believe in firmly
knowing somebody before going that far with them. I'm not some
playboy bachelor exec who struts a nightlife with his stretch
limo and caviar. In fact, I rarely get out of this building before
6pm and even then, there's nightly work-related obligations such
as receptions, galas, and so forth that I must attend on behalf
of the company.
- Quite true. Business rarely
ends at the punch of the clock. Okay Mr. Briefs, you know you
are this planet's most eligible bachelor and that many a female
consider you a sex symbol. What is Trunks V. Briefs like sexually?
- (yet another cute blush). Isn't
that a bit too personal?
- Inquiring minds want to know.
Besides your sexual prowess is also in that rumor mill of street
- Fine then. Well, as I said,
I don't sleep around. I will admit, I'm no virgin, but most of
my experience was during my teen and college years. I don't have
much time to get to know a lady well enough these days to actually
bed her. (smirks) Though the rumors seem true that I am very
well, how should I say, endowed.
- (my turn to blush again)
Oh my! There IS spunk to you! Well, uh, thank you for that bit
of uh, personal information. Now uh, let's change the subject.
What's your relationship like with your family,your mother, father,
- I'm closest to my mother, being
a momma's boy and all. We are also both involved in running this
company. As for my father, I strive to make him proud, but I
know little as to whether or not I'm succeeding. He's a man who
speaks few words. As for my little sister, we are very typical.
We can get along one minute and fight the next. She's grown up
under the influence of strong women and she's becoming one herself.
I often do the most gentlemanly thing possible in such instances...
- And that is?
- I let her have her way. I'm
not a fool you know.
- Well, I see your secretary
wants into this office so I guess my time is up. Perhaps we can
continue this in an interview at another time?
- Sure. My place or yours?
- Mr. Briefs!?
- I'm just kidding. Just ask my
sec for another appointment. I'd be willing to be thrown into
this gauntlet of questions again for some reason.
- Thank you for your time and
answers Mr. Briefs. The world now has a little more insight to
Capsule Corporation's third generation leader. Until next time,
- End interview.