I don't own DB/Z/GT or its characters, etc.
Introspective...the sequel?
Trunks let out a deep sigh as
he plopped himself into the plushy executive chair. He had successfully
ditched his exec "groupies" and gave his secretary specific
instructions that he was not to be bothered for at least ten minutes.
*This isn't working. No wait,
isn't it I who isn't working? Heheh, sometimes I humor myself.*
Trunks thought as he rubbed his tired eyes. Habit caused him to
glance seductively at the window to his office. It was always
his bringer of freedom, his release from this mundane life, his
temptation for trouble. If the window was a lady he'd...
The idea of exiting and freaking
some pigeons out was momentarily lost when his phone rang. Instead,
it was he who was a little freaked, having been ripped from his
relaxing thoughts. Recomposing himself, Trunks took a deep breath
and answered. "Yes? No, don't, wait, I'll be there, just
give me a sec." Trunks said to his secretary as he slammed
the phone back onto its receiver and dashed out of his office.
Remembering that he was the role model for his fellow employees,
he slowed down after tackling an obstructive mail cart the now
surprised mail room employee was once strolling. With a quick
apology he continued on his way to his destination...the conference
room. He'd completely forgotten once again that there was board
meeting. Of all the meetings, this was the deadliest one to mess
up with. The leader of board meetings was none other than his
own mother, or rather the chairwoman. He burst into the room,
interrupting the current conversation within it.
"Excuse YOU!" Bulma
announced with a scowl.
Trunks blushed. "Uh, heheh,
sorry about that. I had to detour. Lunch gave me indigestion."
Bulma just rolled her eyes. The
other members may fall for that excuse, but she knew her son all
too well. She motioned for him to take his seat. He quickly did
so and began to thumb through the various paperwork in front of
him. Bulma slapped her metal pointer onto the table in front of
him. He ceased his exploring of papers and looked up at her dumbly.
"We're not on those yet,
Mr. President." Bulma said calmly, but with a hint of sarcasm.
"Oh...I'm getting ahead of
myself. Sorry. I'm so used to multi-tasking. Please, carry on
moth...err, chairwoman." Trunks replied adding a nervous
And Bulma did just that. She rambled
on about profit margins and overhead and her voice began to drone
in Trunks' head. He just couldn't stay attentive in meetings that
were all serious and had no breaks for nonformal conversations.
His mind began to wander once again, but his multitasking ability
came in handy. To his mother and the others, it looked as if he
was paying attention and taking notes. He was writing something
in his notepad afterall.
The meeting hummed on for roughly
another forty minutes before even Bulma's own attention span began
to wane. She concluded the meeting, asked for input from the president
(of which he had none at the time), then left the room, allowing
the others to do the same after her. Trunks ended up in some small
talk with a few of the members before finally escaping himself.
He returned to his office and was once again alone. The meeting
ended twenty minutes early thus allowing for a gap in his appointment
schedule. He welcomed it with open arms.
He set his paperwork and other
materials from the meeting aside, but then decided to open up
his notepad once again. He reread what he had wrote.
- My knees start to shake,
- when you're in sight.
- My mind is filled with wonder,
- my heart with fright.
- When will this feeling stop?
- When did it start?
- How can I listen to my mind,
- without believing my heart.
- I'm so confused.
- What should I do?
- I can't think of anything,
- except you.
- Should I ignore you,
- or just give it time?
- I can't think straight,
- my heart controls my mind.
- Satisfied with his work, he
tore it out of his pad and sealed it in an envelope. Opening
a drawer in his desk, he found the other portion of this little
scheme of his. He pulled out a small stuffed white tiger that
had royal blue eyes. With a ribbon, he tied the letter onto one
of its paws. With a quick peek into his secretary's room, he
was assured that all was clear. Putting the animal with letter
into a box, he slipped out the window with it and headed out
of town. He flew as fast as he could without powering up and
landed in South City minutes later. He then found a nearby post
office and mailed it. He returned to his office "unnoticed"
with five minutes to spare.
- He gave no indications that
the package was from him and mailed it out of town so the receiver
might not catch on rightaway. He wanted to "play" a
little. Perhaps the recipient of his little "gift"
would accept his little game.
- A few days later at university...
- Pan decided to check her mailbox
after class. Usually she only checked it once a week,but she
felt the need to check it twice this time. In it was the package.
- *Hmmm, it's postmarked from
South City with no return address. I don't know anybody from
South City.* she thought as she shook the box then placed it
next to her ear.
- *It's not hard and it's not
ticking so it's likely no bomb. Maybe I have a secret admirer!?
I've never had one of those, but maybe I can finally tell my
friends that I too, have been the recipient of such!* she excitedly
thought as she dashed to her room. Once there, she quickly tore
into the box.
- "Awwwww! Whatta cutie you
are! Somebody knows I like cuddly stuffed animals!" She
then noticed the letter the little messenger was carrying.
- With a wolfish grin, she placed
all the clues together. The letter and tiger's eyes gave the
sender away (as he hoped they would).
- With an excited whoop, she headed
for a nearby gift shop. She quickly found what she was looking
for, a little stuffed crocodile. She purchased it and a little
notecard and dashed back to her room.
- On the note she inscribed:
- I sought for Love
- But love ran away from me.
- I sought my Soul
- But my soul I couldn't see.
- Then I sought You
- And I found all three.
- She then added a little message.
- Who's the hunter and who's
the hunted? Or is the hunter and hunted the prey? Be wary and
on guard fellow predator, we're not alone in this forest. Creatures
of same blood may not like this little romp of ours.
- She then mailed out her gift
and did place her return address on it. Its destination, Capsule
Corp. HQ Attn: President Trunks V. Briefs
- Once again, a couple of days
later, the mail employee Trunks had tackled delivered the mail
to his office. With a dumb grin he handed Trunks the little brown
box as well as a heap of other mail. Once the mail dude had left,
Trunks opened it. He finished reading it just as his mother barged
into his office. He quickly tried to hide the little stuffed
croc by shovelling it backward, but his mother saw the thing
smack the window behind him and fall to the floor. Trunks blushed
- "Another fan gift?"
she asked curiously.
- "You know how they are."
- "Just remember if you get
anymore ladies underwear to save them for Oolong and Master Roshi.
That way, we already have their holiday gifts. You're such a
lady killer Trunks. I'm proud of you!"
- Embarrassed, Trunks' blush grew
redder. "Mother, it's nothing to be proud of! Geesh."
- "Oh c'mon son, I know you
enjoy the flattery. If you're anything like your father, you
take pride in being placed on a pedestal by others."
- "I don't think of it like
that. Now, why are you here? I'd hate to see you lose time on
your own work." Trunks quickly spat out in hopes that she'd
accept his change in subject.
- "Third quarter's distribution
- Trunks scanned the various piles
of paperwork and files he had strewn about his office. "Uhm,
it's in here somewhere. I'm in the process of a refiling
- "Like at home with your
laundry right? Dirty. Dirty but still wearable. Clean. Unsure.
- Trunks chuckled. "You know
me well mom."
- "Let's see how well I know
you. Hmm, this stack looks like Done. Over there is the Almost
done. And here is the Definitely Not Done. Oh and what's this?
Here's the I-don't-know-if-it's-done-or-not pile."
- Trunks smiled sheepishly. One
could never pull the wool over mom.
- But mom was one step ahead of
son. She was now close enough to pick up the little stuffed crocodile.
- "A stuffed reptile. Now
there's a woman who's got potential Trunks. No overly cute animal,
which shows respect for your manliness."
- *More potential than you know
mother. But, I can't reveal her to you yet. No, not yet, but
geez, you're really chomping at the bit with this today* Trunks
thought as he simply nodded and grinned at his mother in response.
- "Send that one a stuffed
penis. They sell those at the novelty shop across the road."
- "MOTHER!!??"
- "Or you could do what Goten
did for Parisu. Take out a camera and take photos of yourself,
posing...in the nude."
- Bulma tapped her son lightly
on the cheek. "I'm just teasing you. Your father is right.
You need to loosen up more. Maybe it is time for a vacation for
- *More than you know mother.
I KNOW exactly where I'd be headed too.* Trunks thought as he
gave his best rendition of sad puppy dog eyes.
- "We'll see. I'll have to
see if Gohan will continue my reasearch while I fill in for you
- *Perfect! Keep Gohan busy. Keep
yourself busy. That way the two most likely to sniff out my plan
will be too occupied to sense a thing.* Trunks thought as he
nodded in agreement with his mother.
- "Well Trunks, I've got
to get back to work and so do you. I'll see you at home later."
- "Right mom. Good day."
he replied as he gave his mother a little kiss on the cheek.
- "Stay out of trouble."
she commented as she tossed the stuffed animal back to him.
- "Naturally." he added
while catching it.
- Bulma just smirked before departing.
Trunks slid the letter back onto the animal before tucking it
into his desk drawer.
- "You just wait Pan. You'll
see who's hunting who. You don't stand a chance little huntress.
I will prevail."
- he muttered to himself before
returning back to his mundane tasks of being a corporate president.
- End...
- Yeah, yeah, I know...where's
the rest? Obviosly there's gonna be more. I wouldn't leave ya
hangin' like this now would I? Don't answer that. I will write
another part to this, I promise.