Note: Pic borrowed & modified from Temple O Trunks

What's a Trunks-ism? Well, it's a condition for either the character or the fan of that character. Here are some of these "isms" for either Mirai or Present Trunks AND for fans of them. I'll add more as I come up with them. Feel free to send me some of your own if you like. Place "trunksism" in the subject line.

Hairism: this is a condition that some fans suffer from when thinking of the purple-haired wonder. His straight lavendar hair adds essence to his character and a uniqueness all his own.

Bratism: this is mainly oriented towards Present Trunks' childhood. It arose from a combination of too much energy, too much curiousity, and an overzealous knack for trouble. Having saiyan blood and Vegeta as a father further complicates his condition. Or is his mother Bulma that adds to it? Eek, it COULD be both. Run for the hills!

Swordism: A condition that could have more than one meaning. Trunks occasionally uses a sword in combat. He is the only saiyan warrior to use a material weapon. This use of this "long" sword gives Trunks this condition. Another condition is fan-related. Many a fan wonders, how skilled is he with his "short" sword?

Mirai-ism: A fan condition whereby they find themselves obsessed wtih the purple-haired wonder from the future.

NoGTism: Another fan condition. This is a state of denial that a fan has in thinking the GT series and the events within it never occurred and should not be included as part of the Dragon Ball continuum.

Vegetaism: Trunks' father has several effects on his boy. From that classic smirk to gnawing sarcasm, Trunks can bring out the best or worst of his father's genes. Oh yeah, his saiyan powers and ability to scheme are also tributes from dear ol' daddy.

Bulmaism: Like above, Trunks' mother also has influence on the boy. Her intelligence, looks, and suave sophistication have all rubbed off on him. In essence, she's made him all that he is. Without her, the boy wouldn't even exist. Both Trunks' also seem to be momma's boys. Ah, nothing like the love of a mother!

Panism: This is a fan condition that causes fans to desire Trunks spending the rest of his life with Gohan's daughter, Pan.

Marronism: Like above, this is a fan condition that causes fans to desire Trunks spending the rest of his life with Krillin's girl, Marron.

CapsuleCorpism: This is that poor condition Trunks ends up in. His mother puts him in clothing with Capsule Corp. logos. His vehicles and probably most products he uses are Capsule Corp. products. As an adult he becomes president of Capsule Corp. This poor guy lives and breathes Capsule Corp!

Fusionism: A Present Trunks condition. As a boy he had to learn that ugly fusion dance technique and fuse with his best friend Goten. While the resulting warrior has great strength, it had to be difficult to be fused with your best friend and not exit without some side effects.

I'mtoosexyformybodyism: A Mirai Trunks condition. Why is he in all of those sexy, seductive type poses? Talk about a tease! Beautiful muscular build, innocent, kind-hearted, and without a known-girlfriend, he makes many a fan swoon over a nonexistent person.

Gohanism: A condition for both Trunks'. Mirai Trunks' mentor and best friend was Mirai Gohan. Present Trunks' 'big brother' and friend is Present Gohan. The boy's exposure to Gohans adds influence to his personality. Mirai Trunks is gentle, kind, and uses many of Mirai Gohan's techniques. Present Trunks probably doesn't take anything directly from Gohan aside from what it's like to have a big brother.

Gotenism: A Present Trunks condition. Too much Goten in his life. He grows up alongside Goten and even fuses with the second son of Goku. Trouble and mayhem make this duo trouble for friend and foe alike. These two may be close enough to be like brothers too thus allowing Trunks to feel like his has a 'little' brother.
New Additions:
(all below contributed by E.B.)
ChiChi-ism: This is a condition that has effected Trunks throughout his
childhood. Being the mother of both his best friend, Goten, and his
mentor, Gohan, ChiChi may appear to be sweet, but watch out, she can be
a monster when angered. You'd think that after hanging around with
Goten, ChiChi's personality might rub off on Trunks later on. DENDE
Android18ism: The reformed villainess, Android 18, is both Krillin's
wife and Marron's mother. Since she has amazing beauty and an
unpredictable attitude, could it be possible that she may also serve as
a matchmaker for her daughter and Trunks? HEAD FOR THE HILLS!
DrBriefs-ism: The same as CapsuleCorpism, this condition can have some
effect on Trunks, which is both positive and negative. Dr. Briefs, the
current president of Capsule Corp., is a doting grandfather who is
obviously proud to have a successor in line for his position. Like
grandfather, like grandson perhaps?
Gokuism: A Present Trunks condition. Almost the same as ChiChi-ism.
Being the father of Goten and Gohan, Goku is probably a better role
model for Trunks than Vegeta, especially since he has a kinder
disposition. Does this mean that Goku will serve as a second father to
the purple-haired cutie? The possibilities are endless.


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